since there's no school today, i finished up the HP by adding in everything
else. Perhaps it would have been possible to write a poem, but I'd been
feeling *cough* lately.
I also realized that my artwork is totally lousy, most of them. Back when
I drew them I was so satisfied with them, now it's just...bleh. In the
end, out of hundreds, I only put up...four.
I also owe recent pictures of tetsu from the year 2001. But since I am
too lazy to scan and anyway they can be found on the official website,
I have a reason to not put em up.
I don't like this HP. I don't care if I don't do it. That's the strange
part. But I still do it. Hmm. Why? I have lots of things to do, but I choose
to do something I don't care about.
But the funny thing is when I stare at my mags, I do care. Just like when
I almost die listening to his music.
The only comforting thought is that there's no school today. Shit, I fucking
hate school. School could rot for all I care.
And, fandom sucks.